Gretchen Brion-Meisels

Lecturer in the Prevention Science and Practice Program
Harvard Graduate School of Education

Prof. Brion-Meisels

Gretchen Brion-Meisels is a lecturer in education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Her research concerns improving school climate, examines school reform partnerships between students and adults, and uses Youth Participatory Action Research (YPAR). Just as student voice motivates Brion-Meisels’s scholarship, it similarly permeates her Partnering with Youth on Educational Research and Practice course. Students in the course engage in a variety of structured, active discussions. A close-knit classroom culture fosters an environment in which everyone is both a learner and a teacher.

Full Class Session

Watch the full class session featured in this instructor’s move videos to observe and reflect on teaching practices as they unfold. Click below to find a breakdown of all the class activities, with accompanying timestamps and descriptions. The video is also chaptered according to featured instructional moves, allowing you to see how these vignettes fit into the larger context of the session.